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Therapist & treatment. Me pink t shirt

About your Therapist

My name is Jan Williamson. I qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1987, then went on to do a post graduate course in neuro-medical and neurosurgical nursing.
I then worked within the medical profession in various roles.
During this time I became more aware about the health benefits people can gain from complimentary medicine.

I heard about the Bowen therapy, and having suffered from a kidney complaint for almost 20 years, which gave me pain every day, I decided to give it a try. After having one treatment I woke the next day pain free, and have not had a problem since!

I was convinced Bowen worked, and decided to give up my nursing career to become a Bowen therapist in order to help people in a different way.
I hold a Diploma from the Bowen therapy academy of Australia (the original Bowen school) and am a member of the Bowen association UK.
I have since qualified as an Instructor and run courses throughout the year to teach people this revolutionary new skill.

I have been running my Bowen Clinic for 24 years and have attended several post graduate courses including the Advanced Bowen and the Masterclass. As an Instructor my work is revised and assessed each year by Ossie & Elaine Rentsh who learned Bowen directly from Mr Bowen himself and brought the technique to the world.

Now everyday I'm seeing amazing results and helping people relieve pain, I keep hearing the same thing, " I have tried everything- but Bowen works"

I have many wonderful patient testimonials- for a small selection see the Reviews page or my facebook page facebook page which has lots more


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