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See some reviews reviews on my facebook page Facebook I have 2 clinics and there are reviews from each. Also Google reviews.

Testimonials. ( Taken from my comments book)

I had nearly given up after no result from osteopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture. My treatment here has been superb and my back pain completely eradicated. I have returned for shoulder treatment. Keith Miller 69

"I have been having treatment with Jan intermittently for 2 years. I have regular sessions as my condition requires it. Before Bowen I was regularly laid up in bed with back pain- not any more. The treatment is very effective and I rarely have to take painkillers. All in all my life has improved dramatically. Mary Fairfield 59

I know that this Bowen technique works, kept me working all last year. Regular treatments are the secret! and a good investment for back pain free golf. I recommend the technique for all types of people - you don,t have to be a sportsman. Mike Williams - Golf professional

This Is return visit after many years pain free I first came in approximately 2003 & had treatment for neck, shoulder and headaches, I have not had a migraine since the treatment! My body always feels better after treatment. Liz Longden 64

2 sessions and my shoulder and arm improved beyond anything I expected. Brilliant. Les kenwright

I know the Bowen technique works. Although I have ongoing back and leg problems I would not have the mobility I have now, it is such a relief when I have been for each treatment, I am certain it is keeping my joints from pain.
I have also found the treatment has helped the IBS problem. Thank-you Jan
Pat Adams Young at heart!

After years of back pain, two sessions and I'm pain free. Mr A Deas 45

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