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Please feel free to call or e-mail me to discuss whether the Bowen technique could help you.

on 07969 627671
Or 01477 532138

or you can book online, click here @03 or please phone or text for an appointment. The treatment is approximately 45 mins.

The cost is £50 for a treatment.

If I cannot answer the phone as I'm with a client please leave a message with your phone number and I will get back to you as soon as I'm available. If I am with a patient- I will probably receive a TEXT quicker than a phone message- so if you send me a quick text with your phone number I can ring you back.

To contact me by email, please fill in the boxes on the form below and press the send button.

If the form has been sent successfully, a copy of your enquiry will arrive in your email in box. I will respond within two working days - usually sooner.

Please make sure you check your junk mail box or put me on your safe senders list, once you have mailed, otherwise the e-mail may get lost in the system., also it might be sent back from a different e-mail address so check the junk mail for "Bowen" in the subject line.

If for any reason you do not get an e-mail reply from me within 5 days, it could be due to computer issues, so please ring me or text (07969627671) and I will get back to you.
Thank you

Contact Name*:

Contact Email*:

Contact Telephone:


When you have filled in all the relevant information, please click Send to submit your enquiry. All information will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be shared, transmitted or exchanged.


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